Amerikansk killer orgeltrio

Jazzhistorien har frembragt en række overlegne orgeltrioer som fx Dr. Lonnie Smith, Jimmy Smith Trio og Larry Golding Trio. Orgeltrioer er indbegrebet af uovertruffen groove. Du har nu for første gang i Danmark muligheden for at opleve den amerikanske orgelmester Pat Bianchi. Den Grammy-nominerede orgelvirtuos har netop udgivet sit seneste trioalbum ”Three”. Det er musik, der er skabt til de tre stjernemusikere, som her har fundet sammen. Hele fire stjerner har det hæderkronede magasin Downbeat tildelt dem for dette album, som de i bedste mening kalder for killer-jazz. Inspireret af mageløse orgeltrioer som især Joey DeFrancesco Trio flytter Pat Bianchi sammen med sin stjernetrio med overbevisende kraft, intensitet og nærvær konstant grænserne for, hvad et hypnotiserende Hammond-orgel kan frembringe. Aldrig har killer-orgeljazz været mere sprællevende!
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Anmeldelse af albummet Three (2024): (2024):
“In the summer of 2010 I visited SMOKE Jazz Club in Manhattan and heard this young cat just burning on the Hammond B3 named Pat Bianchi and it knocked me out. I wasn’t the only one noticing his talent. Six years later Bianchi was the winner of Downbeat Magazine’s 2016 “Rising Star” Poll. That star has continued to ascend. A Downbeat review gave his 2019 album In The Moment (which featured Paul Bollenback and Byron “Wookie” Landham) a four star review and counted Bianchi ”among jazz’s elite organists”. In 2020 Blue Note NYC live-streamed a concert with the same Pat Bianchi with Paul Bollenback and ByronLandham in the Blue Note Live At Home series. Due to pandemic restrictions it was broadcast from Byron Landham. A GRAMMY nomination followed. And this year Bianchi’s album Three received a four star review in Downbeat.”
Having been mentored by both Joey Defrancesco and Dr Lonnie Smith, Pat Bianchi built upon that knowledge to find his own unique voice and established himself as one of the premier organists on the international scene today. His command of the instrument, harmonic prowess, rhythmic intensity and versatility are rivaled by few. “He’s got soulfulness, swing and an ability to adapt to what’s going on with fluency,” said Byron Landham in the Downbeat review.
Downbeat Magazine
Bianchi’s deep knowledge of jazz organ history continues to inform his own voice. While he is a proponent of the classic jazz organ trio sound, he’s not confined by it.
All About Jazz
Bianchi has established his own voice as an organist, something not easily done and gives ample evidence why many regard him as the next big thing on the venerable Hammond B3